It’s going vegetarian again

Dear communities of enjoyment of the 100/200! Now that inquiries for “The Season” and thus the period from August to October are piling up, the new booking window is finally going online. As our guests, you naturally have the opportunity to book today – before everyone else. There is also something else to read and […]

Should we offer a cooking course?

Dear communities of enjoyment of the 100/200! Wow. Really. We are rarely at a loss for words and are good at assessing what we are doing. But we didn’t see this coming. Several hundred requests for Fabian’s final exam next Sunday. We are really touched by how much interest and genuine enthusiasm was evident in […]

Final exam at the academy

Dear gourmet communities of 100/200! July 2 is the day: the second final exam of the Brandherd Esskultur Akademie is coming up! We are of course incredibly excited and are really looking forward to this special Sunday. The “private craft apprenticeship” (we are not allowed to call it training) at the Brandherd Esskultur Academy is […]


What’s new? Dear communities of enjoyment of the 100/200! “Constant dripping wears away the stone”, as the saying goes. This certainly also applies to communication, especially nowadays. Now both of us, Thomas and Sophie, are very bad at communicating sufficiently. Obviously. Because regular guests keep asking us what’s going on. And they’re right: there’s so […]

We look forward to receiving your reservation request.
The GLORIE is open for you :

Lunch: Friday and Saturday from 12:00 noon
Dinner: Tuesday to Saturday from 6:30 pm

The reservation is binding.
If the reservation is canceled 48 hours before the visit, we charge € 35.00 per person.

Ihre Reservierung im GLORIE anfragen
The GLORIE is open for you:
Lunch: Friday and Saturday from 12:00 noon
Dinner: Tuesday to Saturday from 6:30 p.m.